Dri-Rod - The Dehumidifier Rod

WMK Netconcept (WMK) is given an exclusive sole-distributorship from DRI-ROD Company, Inc. for the Asia Pacific Region. Dri-Rod and WMK are fully committed to Asia Pacific by developing and improving the dehumidifier rod. DRI-ROD dehumidifier rod to be use with 110V and 220V.
How do DRI-ROD dehumidifier rod functions?
The DRI-ROD dehumidifier rod uses a simple principle of warming the surrounding air and the warm air rises in an enclosed space. The dehumidifier rod heat up to a rod surface temperature of ~125°F (~ 50°C) and the warm air circulate throughout moisture filled space. With the constant warm air circulating within the enclosed space, it eliminates the dampness and foul smell, keeping the enclosure dry. Thus providing a perfect environment to store your important and valuables items. Therefore, the content will remain protected from formation of rust, mildew, mould etc..
Why do you use DRI-ROD dehumidifier rod?
- Safe - Made of unbreakable material.
- Heat - Heat generated by the DRI-ROD is warm and when touch it will NOT burn your hand.
- Burn - Dri-rod will not cause fire when paper or fabric touching it.
- Low operating cost - Dri-rod very low power consumption between 7 to 10 watts depending on DRI-ROD length. Just a couple cents or pennies a day to run. Click here to see calculation.
- Maintenance - NO maintenance required. Just installed and forget. Other dehumidifiers required you to check for expiry date or recharge after a period of time. Imagine if you happen to forget to change or recharge the "other dehumidifiers", what the moisture can do to your important and valuable content.
Click below to get more information on the DRI-ROD and example of the dehumidifier rod installation.